Are you new to Backgammon, or do you feel stuck in a rut? Worry not; you can become a skilled player in no time with the right techniques and some practice. And trust us; there’s nothing quite like the feeling of outsmarting your opponent and coming out on top!
Below, we evaluate backgammon strategies that’ll surely improve your skills and help you win more. Grab your board, and let’s go!

Fear not, my backgammon friend! Whether you’re a greenhorn or stuck in a rut, worry not. With a bit of elbow grease, a sprinkle of cunning, and a dash of moxie, you’ll be giving those wily veterans a run for their lucre in no time! So, let’s get cracking and fine-tune those super skills of yours. We’ll dive into some backgammon strategies that are bound to take your game to the next level and leave your rivals befuddled. What are you waiting for? Let’s hit the board and show them what you’re made of!

Effective Backgammon Strategies to Try Out

The best thing about the variety of backgammon strategies is that you can apply them according to your opponent and the setup on the board. But for this to happen, you must be familiar with the various strategies and how you use them. We’ve helped by discussing the most effective four below:

Backgammon Priming Strategy

This involves building a wall of checkers on specific points on the board, making it difficult for your opponent to move their checkers past them. The aim is to trap your opponent’s checkers and restrict their movements while you try to move your checkers safely around the board. One effective priming strategy is the side prime, where you build two or more consecutive points on one side of the board.

Backgammon Running Game

The running game strategy requires moving your checkers as quickly as possible around the board and bearing them off before your opponent can catch up. This strategy works well when you have a lead in the game or when you have a lot of checkers close to home. However, it can be risky if you get hit by your opponent’s checkers.

Backgammon Back Game

Back game is about building a strong defensive wall on your home board while you wait for your opponent to make a mistake. This strategy can be risky, as it requires sacrificing some of your checkers to create the wall. However, if executed correctly, it can be highly effective in trapping your opponent’s checkers and reducing their mobility.


The blitzing strategy involves moving aggressively to hit and block your opponent’s checkers. This strategy can be high-risk and high-reward, but it can also be very effective if executed correctly. Blitzing works best when your opponent has several checkers on a single point, making them vulnerable to attack.

Holding game

This technique is all about creating a blockade with your checkers to limit your opponent’s options and make it harder for them to advance. It’s like building a fortress to protect your checkers and patiently waiting for your opponent to make a mistake. But don’t be fooled by the serious nature of the holding game. It can be a lot of fun, too! Once you have set up your spectacular defences, you can sit back and relax while your opponent strains themselves trying to break through. While they struggle, you can plan out your next counterattack. Why not add some flavour to your backgammon game and give the holding game a shot? It’s a chance to break free from the predictable moves and keeps your opponent guessing. So, why not give it a go? Who knows, you might even surprise yourself and become a holding game master!

Prime vs Prime Game

In backgammon, a Prime is a consecutive chain of blocked points created by a player. When one player has built a Prime, it can be incredibly challenging for the opponent to manoeuvre their checkers around it and make a comeback. To excel in a Prime vs. Prime game, you need to be skilled at both attacking and defending. The key is to carefully consider your moves and anticipate your opponent’s next moves. You must look for openings and weak spots in your opponent’s Prime while at the same time maintaining your own Prime’s strength. A single move can determine the outcome of a Prime vs. Prime game, adding to the excitement and tension. But don’t let the challenge discourage you! With practice and experience, you can become a master of the Prime vs. Prime game. So, if you’re looking to up your strategic game and take on a thrilling challenge, give the Prime vs. Prime game a try. You might surprise yourself with just how strategic and skilled you can be!

Two-Way Forward Game

In backgammon, the Two-Way Forward game is a strategic move that involves advancing your checkers toward your home board while simultaneously creating multiple anchor points in your opponent’s home board. In the Two-Way Forward game, you’ll need to hold a sturdy position on both ends of the board, creating a formidable challenge for your opponent as they try to move their checkers and bear them off. With some practice and finesse, you’ll be a master of this thrilling and rewarding approach in no time.

Backgammon Blitzing Strategy

Blitzing is a strategy where a player tries to hit or trap their opponent’s checkers while moving their own checkers quickly toward their home board. To execute a blitz, a player needs to identify vulnerable or isolated points in the opponent’s home board and move their checkers aggressively toward them. The opponent’s exposed checkers can then be hit or blocked by stacking multiple checkers on the same point. Blitzing can be particularly effective when the opponent has weak or exposed points, or when they are behind in the game and need to take risks to catch up. Backgammon demands astute calculation and swift judgment, but as one acquires skill and proficiency through practice and experience, it can prove to be a valuable weapon in a player’s repertoire.


  • The best strategy in backgammon involves controlling the centre of the board, building points and primes, and making strategic decisions based on the current game state.
  • The 5-point is a crucial point in backgammon as it helps to build a prime and block the opponent’s checkers, making it difficult for them to move around the board.
  • There are many tactics in backgammon, such as blitzing, making anchors, hitting blots, and timing your moves to take advantage of your opponent’s mistakes.


“Stacks” refer to two or more checkers stacked on the same point. This can create a vulnerable position for the player, as an opponent’s roll could hit the stack and send all the checkers back to the starting point.


“Blots” are single checkers that are vulnerable to being hit by an opponent’s roll. They can be used to block a point or create a prime, but they need to be moved quickly to avoid getting hit.

5 primes

The term “primes” denotes a series of uninterrupted points that are filled by two or more checkers. A “5 prime” pertains to a row of five points.

6 primes

A “6 prime” refers to a row of six points. These consecutive checkers create an obstructive wall that restrains the opponent’s checkers from advancing and manoeuvring freely across the board, adding an element of challenge and strategy to the game.

A builder on 9 points

“A builder on 9 points” refers to a checker that is on the 9-point and is ready to be moved to help build a prime or make a blocking move. This is a strategic position that can help a player create a strong defence or offence on the board. In conclusion, backgammon is a multifaceted game, and with the right combination of strategic techniques and savvy moves, anyone can emerge as a backgammon virtuoso. Whether you employ the Holding game, Blitzing strategy, Prime vs. Prime game, or Two-Way Forward game, each strategy is crafted to amplify your gameplay and propel you to the next level of excellence. It’s crucial to gain dominance over the centre of the board, construct points and primes, and make strategic judgments based on the current state of the game. The 5-point, in particular, holds immense significance in backgammon, and mastering tactics such as blitzing, making anchors, hitting blots, and timing your moves can help you turn the game in your favour. In addition, being aware of stacks, blots, and the importance of 5 and 6 primes can provide you with an upper hand in the game. So why wait any longer? Get started today and embark on your journey toward backgammon mastery!

Reasons to Use the Right Backgammon Strategies

Using the right backgammon strategies is essential to winning the game. But in what ways? We cover them below.

  • Increase Your Chances of Winning: Using effective backgammon strategies can help you gain an advantage over your opponent and increase your chances of winning the game.
  • Counter Your Opponent’s Strategies: By understanding and using different strategies, you can counter your opponent’s tactics and stay ahead in the game.
  • Enhance Your Skills: Practicing different strategies can help you enhance your skills and become a more well-rounded player.
  • Enjoy the game More: Using good backgammon strategies can make the game more enjoyable by making it more challenging and competitive.


By mastering the above backgammon strategies, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled player. There are numerous options to explore whether you prefer a defensive or aggressive approach. Remember to practice and experiment with different strategies to find the best ones for you. So grab a friend, set up the board, and start honing your skills today.

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